/ Kate BaraszStores are reopening and humans are reappearing on our neighborhood streets, which can only mean one thing: Barcelona is emerging from its summer hibernation and our favorite month is rapidly drawing to a close. This year, we did August the Catalan way: not in the city, plenty of fresh air, and an abundance of time with friends and family.
After our rather inauspicious start (update: the parking fare was 453 #$&@ing euros), we successfully made it to Sweden, Iceland, and then the US. Stockholm was lovely, but Iceland was truly out of this world. Though the temperatures rarely rose above the low-50s (i.e., the equivalent of Barcelona's deep winter), we kept warm tromping around the otherworldly landscapes and lava fields. We were especially awed by the never-setting sun, the volcanic steam vents (which had a skittish Owen convinced that the earth about to start belching molten lava), the near-complete lack of trees, the deliciousness of gas station soft-serve, and the price tag on every menu in Reykjavik. We topped off that trip with two and a half weeks in the US, which wasn't enough to do and see everything and everyone we wanted, but gave us time to hug some nephews, catch up with old friends, and do some serious downhill slip-n-sliding in Yaya and Boppy's backyard.